Animal husbandry – farm animal nutrition

Course Code
ECTS Credits
8th Semester
Course Category




Georgios Stathas

Course Description

The aim of the course is for students to learn about the science of Animal Production, its importance and application in Greek agriculture, as well as the basic principles of Animal Nutrition. By the end of the course the student should be familiar with the history and importance of animal production in Greek agriculture. He/she should be able to know the indigenous breeds of productive animals (characteristics, important features and yields of these breeds). They should be able to know the main farming systems and develop the ability to select the appropriate farming system according to the area, farming conditions and breed of the farm animal. They should then be familiar with modern methods of feeding production animals, as well as the basic rules for preparing balanced rations. Finally, they will have acquired the ability to prepare balanced rations according to the species and nutritional needs of the animals.