





Name of Laboratory
Lab. of Applied Biotechnology
Agricultural Economy,Development and Entrepreneurship Laboratory (ΑEDE) 
Kalamata Olive Oil Taste Laboratory
Floriculture and Landscape Architecture Laboratory
Laboratory of Applied Vegetable Production


Responsible Professor
Konstantinos Delis
Dimitrios Petropoulos
Vassilios Dimopoulos 
Anastasios Daras
Anastasios Kotsiras 


  • Lab. of Applied Biotechnology (Government Gazette 448/7.2.2022): The Laboratory supports research, development, innovation, and specialized education based on its role and mission in the field of Applied Biotechnology at regional, national and international level.

    Director: Konstantinos Delis


  • Agricultural Economy,Development and Entrepreneurship Laboratory (ΑEDE) (Government Gazette 501/9.2.2022): The laboratory serves the needs of research, development, innovation and specialized education within the framework of its role and mission, in the fields of Agricultural Economy, Agri-food, Data Analysis and Agro-economic Research at regional, national, European and international level.

    Director: Dimitrios Petropoulos


  • Kalamata Olive Oil Taste Laboratory (Government Gazette 876/25.2.2022): The laboratory is accredited by the National Accreditation System and the International Olive Oil Council and, in cooperation with the National Food Control Agency and private bodies, offers consulting and research services in the field of olive oil production, management and promotion. 

    Director: Vassilios Dimopoulos    


  • Floriculture and Landscape Architecture Laboratory (Government Gazette 894/25.2.2022):  It collaborates with public and private institutions in Greece and abroad to promote education and research in the field of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture.  
    Director: Anastasios Darras


  • Laboratory of Applied Vegetable Production (Government Gazette 1016/4.3.2022 ): The laboratory has been designated as a body for the conservation of genetic material of local tomato varieties, and supports the postgraduate curriculum and research in the field of hydroponics.  

    Director: Anastasios Kotsiras