

α) The curriculum is completed in five (5) academic years. Each academic year shall begin on 1 September and end on 31 August. The teaching work of each academic year shall be structured in two (2) academic semesters, winter and spring.

b) The total workload of each full-time student shall be 300 credit (ECTS) units in the ten (10) academic semesters of study required for the degree of Bachelor of Agriculture. The structure of the curriculum is based on an equal distribution of the workload in each academic semester, i.e. 30 credit (or teaching) units (ECTS) in each academic semester. Each credit unit (ECTS) corresponds to 25 hours of workload. The calculation of the workload takes into account the time required for the completion of educational activities, such as the attendance of course theory lectures, laboratory exercises, tutorials and/or seminars, the preparation and completion of independent studies and projects, participation in examinations, the completion of practical training and the preparation of a thesis, depending on the type of course/educational process, and in accordance with those provided for in the course outline.

c) The outline of each course includes the syllabus, the learning objectives, the competences that the student develops with the successful completion of the course, the way of teaching and examination as well as the detailed documentation of the workload and the credit units (ECTS) awarded in each course, according to the standard form of the H.A.A.E. (as mentioned in the Course Outlines - B12).

d) The curriculum includes forty-eight (48) compulsory (M) courses and five compulsory elective (M) courses out of a total of twenty-one (21) courses offered, distributed in the 7th, 8th and 9th semesters. In addition, academic activities related to the thesis (30 ECTS credits) offered in the 9th (10 ECTS) and 10th (20 ECTS) semesters and the internship (10 ECTS credits) offered in the 10th semester are included.

ε) The Diploma Thesis is compulsory and is carried out in accordance with the Diploma Thesis Regulation.

f) The Practical Training is compulsory and is carried out in accordance with the Practical Training Regulation.

g) In order to receive the diploma, the student must have successfully completed fifty-three (53) courses and successfully completed the academic activities Diploma Thesis and Internship.