

The Department of Agriculture has the following committees concerning the organization and operation of this Undergraduate Programme of Studies:

  1. Strategic Planning Committee, responsible for the formulation of the strategy to be followed by the Department in the coming years, and then the monitoring and evaluation of its implementation.
  2. Curriculum Committee, which monitors the curriculum and recommends any revisions.
  3. External Evaluation Committee of the Undergraduate Cur riculum of the Department of Agriculture, which is responsible for drafting the application for accreditation and monitoring the progress of the accreditation of the curriculum.
  4. Internship Committee and Internship Appeals Committee which inform the students about the possibility to carry out an internship and participate for funding through the NSRF program.
  5. Qualifying Examinations Committee, which is to prepare a report to the Assembly on the enrolment of candidates in the Programme of Studies, in accordance with Article 8 herein.
  6. Transfer Committee, which examines cases of transfer and makes a recommendation to the Department Assembly.
  7. Student Affairs Committee, which examines suspensions, withdrawals, etc. and makes recommendations to the Department Assembly.
  8. Committee for International Relations and Erasmus, responsible for a) monitoring and increasing the mobility of students for studies and internships with the Erasmus programme, as well as members of the academic community from and to institutions at home and abroad, b) the continuous expansion of the Department's international relations and the increase in the number of bilateral collaborations and c) the continuous expansion of the Department's cooperation relations with productive and management bodies of the agri-food sector, at local, regional, national, European and international level.
  9. Committee of the OMEA, which ensures the utilization of the results obtained from the evaluation of students through the relevant questionnaires, the continuous inspection of the MIS through the annual internal reports, the cooperation with the MODIP of the Institution, etc.
  10. Research Committee, which ensures the formulation of a research strategy harmonised with productive and management bodies at local, regional, national, European and international level.

Committees are also set up in the context of postgraduate, doctoral and postdoctoral research programmes, in accordance with the relevant regulations.