Beneficial and productive insects

Course Code
ECTS Credits
9th Semester
Course Category




Anna Asimakopoulou, Stavros Sotiropoulos

Course Description

The course "Improvement and management of problematic soils" aims to provide students with the necessary knowledge to manage various categories of soils (saline, sodic, very acidic and alkaline, poorly drained soils, eroded soils) that create problems in plant cultivation both in terms of the implementation of cultivation operations and their impact on the growth and production of cultivated plants. Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to understand the practices that lead to the formation of problem soils, to have acquired knowledge on the identification of the different categories of problem soils both through the macroscopic image of problem soils and with the help of soil analysis, to have acquired knowledge on the treatment and improvement of problem soils, as well as to have acquired knowledge regarding the resistance of cultivated plants to the different categories of problem soils.