


The Department of Agriculture was founded in 2019 at the University of Peloponnese. In fact, it carries behind it a history and experience of about 30 years since as it is an evolution of the Department of Agricultural Technologists of the former TEI of Peloponnese which came from the merger of the Departments of Plant Production and Organic Greenhouse Crops and Floriculture of the former TEI of Kalamata.

It is located in Kalamata, in the premises of the University in Antikalamos and its co-location with five other Departments related but different scientific fields, creates a student environment with multiple challenges and pursuits.

The Department is included according to UNESCO's international classification of scientific fields of Higher Education (ISCED 2013), in field 081. Agriculture and more specifically in field 0819 – “Agriculture not elsewhere classified”.

The primary mission of the Department is to provide comprehensive education to undergraduate students and to obtain adequate scientific and professional training in the wider field of Agriculture science. The study program has been created in order to meet the modern requirements of the Agronomist profession, and for its formation were included the rich teaching and professional experience of the faculty members, the study programs of related subject departments at home and abroad, as well as the special requirements were taken into account of the agricultural production of Greece, and especially of the Peloponnese Region.


The scientific field of the Department of Agriculture serves agricultural production which is one of the most important contributors to the economy of Greece and especially the Peloponnese Region. The growing number of modernly organized agricultural production units (e.g. greenhouses in Messinia), agricultural holdings linked to the production of tree species (olives, citrus fruits, vines, etc.), horticulture and large-scale crops, as well as processing units ( olive mills, wineries, packing plants for horticultural crops, edible olives, dried figs (SYKIKI) and raisins, factories for the production of citrus juices, industrial tomatoes, etc.) in the Peloponnese Region demonstrate the need to operate an Agriculture Department in this Region.

Based on the design of the USP-Undergraduate Study Program (courses, laboratory exercises, practical training, diploma study) and the aforementioned, the graduates of the Department of Agriculture acquire academic and professional qualifications that provide them with the opportunity to be professionally active in agricultural production bodies both in Greece and abroad, and with greater ease, compared to the graduates of other institutions in Greece, in agricultural production bodies of the Peloponnese Region.

The Department has an Undergraduate Study Program in which all the modern developments of agricultural science (state-of-the-art) are integrated, with a particular emphasis on agricultural production, such as the sustainable management of crops (rotation systems, organic agriculture, certified production, rational use of fertilizers, comprehensive fight against enemies and diseases, mechanization of cultivation care using modern technologies), applications of precision agriculture, cultivation of plants with modern hydroponic systems, optimization of maintenance and in general the management of the quality of the products produced, production of healthy propagating material with modern methods ( such as tissue culture, hydroponics), conservation of plant genetic material (traditional varieties, endemic plants) etc.

Specialization of studies

There are no specializations in the Department of Agriculture.


From the academic year 2019-20, the Department offers a five-year PPS (10 academic semesters) that leads to the accumulation of a minimum of 300 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and to the degree in Agriculture.

From the academic year 2019-20, the Department offers a five-year Undergraduate Study Programm (10 academic semesters) that leads to the accumulation of a minimum of 300 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and to the degree in Agriculture.

In detail, the successful completion of the Undergraduate Study Program in Agriculture requires the successful attendance of 53 courses, the preparation of a diploma thesis and the completion of an internship. Out of a total of 53 courses, 48 are Compulsory and five (5) Compulsory Electives (out of a group of 21 Elective courses offered in total). Of the 53 courses, 36 to 40 courses are offered together with compulsory Laboratory Exercises (depending on the courses to be chosen from the electives offered). The courses lead to a total of 260 credits and are designed in such a way that there is matching with courses of similar Departments in Greece and abroad to facilitate the possibility of transfers, the matching in mobility cases through Erasmus programs as well as the completion of Postgraduate Studies.

The preparation of the Diploma Thesis is carried out in the last two semesters of the studies and leads to the accumulation of 30 ECTS. It is intended, to the extent of the Department's capabilities, that the work includes the execution of experiments in the greenhouses or the open field of the Fuculty's farm, laboratory analyses, field research, etc.

The internship takes place in the last semester of studies, lasts two months and offers 10 credits. The internship is intended to take place in the private sector to gain work experience in the environment of the real economy.



The Department's Undergraduate Study Program aims to:

  • achieving excellent quality higher education according to internationally accepted standards,
  • provision of a high level of theoretical and laboratory training in the fields of knowledge of the science of Agriculture,
  • monitoring research and technology developments and adapting the educational subject to them,
  • cultivating skills in graduates, which enables them to respond: (a) to a competitive work environment, (b) to follow developments in research and technology, and c) to undertake doctoral studies.

Upon completion of their studies, graduates will:

  • They have acquired the knowledge necessary to work in fields of agriculture, with a special emphasis on crop production, the preparation of agro-economic-technical and environmental studies and the provision of services.
  • They are able to formulate scientifically based and innovative solutions in fields of agriculture, with particular emphasis on crop production and the necessary mechanical equipment, taking into account the cost and performance relationship of each solution.
  • Understand environmental, financial and administrative parameters concerning the implementation of projects in agricultural production sectors.
  • Consider and understand social, environmental, legal and ethical aspects of agricultural production.
  • They are able to apply their knowledge to cope with the demands of the agricultural profession.
  • They have the appropriate skills to formulate and apply modern and innovative technological methods-techniques concerning the improvement of agricultural production, logistical equipment, economy and limiting the environmental footprint of the practice of agriculture.
  • Conduct experimental field studies and laboratory analyzes related to agricultural production, take measurements and use appropriate tools to analyze the data and derive and present conclusions.
  • They work individually and as members of teams to effectively handle projects related to agricultural production.
  • They are able to distinguish and solve problems concerning the planning, management and development of agricultural production, taking into account the conditions shaped by the climate crisis.
  • Identify and evaluate the impact of environmental, social and economic factors on agricultural production.
  • Conduct on-site checks and draw conclusions on the performance and quality of agricultural production, including those concerning consumer safety.
  • Form solutions for the practice of agricultural production, properly adapted to the particular conditions of each environment, with the aim of maintaining sustainability.
  • Identify and understand bibliographic sources, scientific publications, technical bulletins, draw conclusions and use them in the exercise of the agronomist profession.
  • They recognize the need for continuous training and acquisition of new knowledge and skills related to agricultural production.
  • Form opinions and draft studies taking into account scientific, environmental, technological, socio-economic, ethical aspects as well as possible future impacts and limitations.
  • Form an opinion on the operation and management of agricultural enterprises and public sector organizations as well as undertake administrative tasks.
  • Effectively present technical reports relevant to the requirements and expected benefits of studies they prepare.
  • Successfully present the summary of work and conclusions on technical issues – activities they handle.
  • Present ideas, proposals, technical information and studies related to agricultural production, in writing and orally, in a comprehensible and effective manner, to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  • Monitor scientific, technological and technical developments in the field of agricultural sciences.
  • They recognize and follow ways of continuous training and development of skills related to practicing the profession of agronomist.
  • Choose appropriate fields to continue their studies to deepen their knowledge and specialization in subjects of agricultural science.