Quality assurance


The scientific field of the Department of Agriculture serves the agricultural production which is one of the most important factors of the economy of Greece and especially of the Peloponnese. The increasing number of modern organized units of agricultural production (e.g. greenhouses in Messinia), farms associated with the production of tree species (olive, citrus, vine etc.) and the growing number of agricultural enterprises in the region. ), horticulture and large-scale crops, as well as processing units (olive mills, wineries, packaging plants for vegetables, edible olives, dried figs (SYKIKI) and raisins, citrus juice production plants, industrial tomatoes, etc.) in the Peloponnese Region demonstrate the need for a Department of Agriculture in this Region.

Based on the design of the PPA (courses, laboratory exercises, practical training, thesis) and the above mentioned, the graduates of the Department of Agriculture acquire academic and professional qualifications that give them the opportunity to work professionally in agricultural production institutions both in Greece and abroad, and with greater ease, compared to graduates of other institutions in Greece, in agricultural production institutions of the Peloponnese Region.

The Department has a PPS that incorporates all the modern developments of agronomic science (state-of-the-art), with special emphasis on agricultural production, such as sustainable crop management (crop rotation systems, organic farming, certified production, rational use of fertilizers, integrated pest and disease control, mechanization of cultivation using modern technologies), precision farming applications, cultivation of plants with modern hydroponic systems, optimisation of conservation and general management of the quality of the products produced, production of healthy propagating material using modern methods (such as tissue culture, hydroponics), conservation of plant genetic material (traditional varieties, endemic plants), etc. ά.